Monday, February 27, 2006

Oh when the monks go marching in !!

Marching in.

This army of monks will be marching in to Sanam Luang on March 5 to call for the resignation of Pm Thaksin.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Acupuncture at Thumos Health Center

An approach of effective treatments to improve health and vitality through acupuncture delivered by Bryan Abel, L. Ac. located in Pacific Palisades. Please visit him at

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hea and Olivia

Hea is so proud of Olivia as she's able to graduate from UC Berkerly majoring in Molecular Cell Biology in 4 years besides being an excellent cello player.

Sujue, Peng, Annie, Olivia, Grabiel, Pat & Hea at Saladang

Lovely evening at Salandang Thai Restaurant in Pasadena on Sunday 2/19/06. Olivia will be graduating from UC Berkerley in May and Grabriel is enjoying his college life and majoring in Mathemathics with a minor in Computer Science...(I can't believe he remembers every dates and events we have met in the past 10 years...scary..ha..!
From Beijing, Sue is visiting her brother and sister-in-law and the kids and of course her inviting us to a wonderful dinner at Saladang to celebrate our joy and luck, and well, to eat was much appreciated.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

May and the Monkeys Project in Kenya.

Quite a challenging decision for May to join a non-profit organization in Kenya, Africa for 3 months for the conservation of the .....monkeys..

Valentine's Day

We do miss our Valentine's Day get-together this year. Our friends Mark, Melita and Peggy w/ Hea in the front. As usual I'm the photographer...ha..ha..

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Favorite Halfmoon Bettas in Thailand.

Planning a trip to Thailand in March 06.