Friday, July 21, 2006

Chinese Therapy

July 20, 2006 being the warmest day of the year in China according to the lunar calendar, hundreds of people came to a hospital in Fujian province to receive therapy using thinly sliced fresh ginger and dry herb leaf. It is believed that the therapy on such a day would prevent other respiratory systems diseases in winter time i.e. Asthma, etc..

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Gross National Happiness.

4 Factors toward Gross National Happiness:

- Practice economy of sufficiency.
- Protect environtments.
- Emphasize and preserve fine cultures and traditions.
- Good governance includes
a. No corruptions.
b. No abuse of power.
c. Managing healthcare cost.
d. Eliminating cigarette smoking.

Partial love vs universal love:

To love people was to take care of them, to feed them when hungry, to clothe them when naked, to house them when they are homeless. Universal love also meant avoiding any activity that might hurt another person, such as war or profiteering; universal love also meant avoiding any activity that did not directly take care of someone–This moral obligation to take care of fellow human beings applied to all human beings; you are responsible not only for your family and your friends, you are equally responsible for people you don't even know, such as the homeless in Spokane. If you take care of only a few people that you are intimately related to, you are practicing partial love rather than universal love. It is partial love that is responsible for all the calamities that human beings suffer:
"Humane men are concerned about providing benefits to the world and eliminating its calamities. . . . When we come to ask about the causes of the calamities (war, poverty, etc.) that people suffer, from what do these calamities arise? Do they arise from people loving others and benefiting others? Certainly not. We should say that they arise from people hating and injuring others. If we should classify one by one all those who hate and injure others, will we find that they are partial or universal in their love? Certainly, we'll find them partial in their love. Therefore, partial love is the cause of all the human calamities in the world. Partial love is wrong."

Saturday, July 15, 2006


People believe that they have a certain worth, and when other people treat them as though they are worth less than that, they experience the emotion of anger. Conversely, when people fail to likve up to their own sense of worth, they feel shame, and when they are evaluated correctly in proportion to their worth, they feel pride. The desire for recognition, and the accompanying emotions of anger, shame, and pride, are parts of the human personality critical to political life.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Just For Fun ! It's Math Time.

Click and enjoy.